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The BBFC discusses the 15 rating in response to a couple of letters of complaint

Link Here27th October 2024
Longlegs is a 2024 Canada/US crime horror thriller by Oz Perkins
Starring Maika Monroe, Nicolas Cage and Blair Underwood BBFC link 2020 IMDb

In pursuit of a serial killer, an FBI agent uncovers a series of occult clues that she must solve to end his terrifying killing spree.

The BBFC has published minutes of meeting where the classification of Longlegs was discussed as the classification decision had been the subject of two complaints saying that the film was too strong for a 15 rating. The BBFC explained:

[ Spoilers! hover or click text below]

The BBFC classified the film 15 uncut for strong violence, gore, threat, horror and language, first for home entertainment and subsequently for theatrical release. The BBFC received two complaints from members of the public who believed that the film appeared too strong for 15, with regard to a scene in which the serial killer, Longlegs, repeatedly bashes his head on a table, which is a moment of gore and self-injury that results in his death. The scene had been discussed in the Compliance meeting on 21 August 2024 with regard to whether it was on the 15/18 borderline due to what may be considered an example of the strongest gory images, which would require an 18.

The BBFC's Classification Guidelines at 15 state with regard to suicide and self-harm that [s]cenes of suicide and self-harm should not be frequent or endorsed. Glamorisation of suicide or self-harm may result in a higher rating. Graphic depictions or detailed references are unlikely to be permitted. For threat and horror, There may be strong threat and horror. A sustained focus on sadistic threat is unlikely to be acceptable. And violence may be strong but there should not be sustained focus on the infliction of pain or victims suffering. The strongest gory images may occur if justified by context (for example, war, medical detail). Prolonged sadistic violence is unlikely to be acceptable.'

The Classifiers were asked to consider the scene for informational purposes and did so within the context of the film as a whole. They considered that the gore is self-inflicted, by the serial killer character, and that the scene does not show Longlegs' method of taking his own life to be an attractive solution or one likely to be effective. They noted that the real-world setting strengthens the impact of the scene and that the film has a sustained creepiness but that the film's supernatural and satanic elements provide mitigation. Some Compliance Officers considered that the more the Longlegs character is seen, the less creepy he appears, and so considered the 15 decision to be correct. The Classifiers agreed that Longlegs had been appropriately placed at the 15 category.



Updated: Slap the Monster on Page One...

1972 Italy/France mystery thriller by Marco Bellocchio, cut by the BBFC for UK Blu-ray release on 18th November 2024

Link Here20th October 2024
Slap the Monster on Page One is a 1972 Italy/France mystery thriller by Marco Bellocchio
Starring Gian Maria Volontè, Fabio Garriba and Carla Tatò BBFC link 2020 IMDb

BBFC cuts were required for a 15 rated Blu-ray release in 2024. The BBFC cited child protection issues.

UK: BBFC 15 rated for strong bloody violence, language, threat, injury detail after BBFC cuts:

The BBFC commented:

This film required a compulsory cut to a potentially indecent image of a child. Cuts were made in accordance with BBFC Guidelines, policy, and the Protection of Children Act 1978.

Thanks to Mike who reports on a discussion from another forum:

At one point in the film an investigative journalist goes to the house of the chief murder suspect and takes a look inside his closet. He sees a range of pictures of children and religious iconography of cherubs. These images are all perfectly innocent, but there is another composite image of a nude adult woman in a sexualised pose with the head of the underaged murder victim stuck on top of it.

As I understand it, this would be considered a pseudo-photograph under UK law, and indecent since it gives the impression of being an image of a child. If so, then I'm fairly sure it's the first indecent pseudo-photograph that the BBFC have ever cut..

Promotional Material

Days before a general election a young girl is raped and murdered. Bizanti (Gian Maria Volonté, The Working Class Goes to Heaven), the editor of a right-wing newspaper uses the story to help the conservative candidate his paper supports. The tumultuous time of Italy's 'Years of Lead' are captured in Marco Bellocchio's powerful political drama which directly addressed topics of its day and even prefigured the creation of the right-wing paper Il giornale, which came into being two years after this film. In an age of media manipulation Slap the Monster on Page One has never been more relevant and stands proudly alongside such Italian activist classics as We Still Kill the Old Way and The Mattei Affair.


  • 4K restoration of the film from the original negative by Cineteca di Bologna in collaboration with Surf Film and Kavac Film, under the supervision of director Marco Bellocchio
  • Uncompressed mono PCM audio
  • Archival interview with Marco Bellocchio (21 mins)
  • Newly filmed interview with critic and author Mario Sesti (2024, 25 mins)
  • Appreciation by filmmaker Alex Cox (2024, 10 mins)
  • Newly improved English subtitle translation
  • Reversible sleeve featuring designs based on original posters
  • Limited edition booklet featuring new writing by Wesley Sharer



Offsite Article: BBFC Podcast Episode 120...

Link Here17th October 2024
David Austin of the BBFC in conversation With Kelly McMahon of the Motion Pictures Association

See article from



Offsite Article: Cultural Chaos and Forgotten Stories...

Link Here8th October 2024
Desperate Living reports on a forgotten BBFC ban of a violent PETA animal rights advert.

See article from

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