A bid to open Bellissima lap dancing club next to a city centre Baptist chapel is to be considered by Swansea Council.
Swansea University women's officer Eleri Jones has objected to Thomas-Bellis Entertainment Ltd's licence application saying:
Lap dancing clubs fuel a sexist culture in which it's increasingly acceptable to treat women as sex objects, not people.
And Swansea teacher Rachelle Bright said in a letter of objection:
While this type of 'entertainment' is wrong on so many levels, including the degeneration of women into mere objects, what I am most horrified by is the location of the lap dancing club.
Opposite a
youth-themed burger bar, Eddie's Rockets, within eyeshot of the Vue Cinema, on a thoroughfare that links Swansea Museum and the Waterfront Museum into town, as well as being a short stroll from the LC leisure facilities!
Swansea West
AM Julie James and Gower AM Edwina Hart have also submitted written objections and about 800 people have signed petitions against plans for the club.
But a spokesman for club said there would be no external advertising, only open 10pm until 4am
with security staff and a challenge 25 entry policy.
Update: To have the effrontery to put it next door to my church ...
27th April 2012. See
article from christian.org.uk
The minister
of York Place Baptist Church, Haydn Dennis, said there had been tremendous support from the public to oppose the club and 1,026 people had signed his petition so far.
In an interview with BBC Wales he said:
To have the effrontery to put it next door to my church -- how much more brazen can you get?
Update: Nutters on tenterhooks
28th April 2012. See
article from bbc.co.uk
Swansea council is refusing to say whether or not it has given a licence for a strip club in York Street, Swansea.
The council's licensing committee made its decision on Wednesday, but the council says it will not be made public until the finer
detail is worked out. A determination will be issued in due course.
The minister of the York Place Baptist Church - which is next door to the proposed club - the Reverend Haydn Dennis, called the situation a disgrace .
We are all on tenterhooks. We just don't know. It is a very unsatisfactory situation,
Update: Licence granted with repressive conditions and a threat that lap dancing would break
lease conditions anyway
3rd May 2012. See article from
Women's rights nutters have ludicrously claimed that Swansea councillors don't value female citizens in the city after granting a sexual entertainment venue licence.
Councillor Keith Marsh, chair of Swansea Council's Licensing Committee, said:
The committee decided after a lengthy and searching discussion to vote in favour of the applicant and grant the licence.
63 conditions have been imposed, some of which were specifically designed to
protect the interests of female performers at the venue following representations by feminist groups of their concerns. It is considered those concerns have been adequately addressed.
Marsh said the conditions included rules that no
dancer shall perform any sexually explicit or lewd act, there shall be no tableside dancing, no lap-dancing, no peep shows and there shall be no live sex shows. The licence agreement also stated there shall be a minimum distance of one metre between
dancers and seated customers in the club.
Also the council claims that the club will not be able to offer sexual entertainment as the local authority is the landlord of the building and to do so would be a breach of the terms of the lease on the
premises. However it is also reported that the lease arrangement for the venue is not quite as straightforward as the council states.
But this compromise didn't seem to impress the absolutist moralists from Swansea Feminist Network and the church.
Swansea Feminist Network chair Adele Jones said:
We think that (the decision to grant the licence) demonstrates the licensing committee didn't take any notice of the evidence that we submitted. By doing it
(granting the licence) they have demonstrated that they don't value the female citizens of Swansea. The fact that they granted it is enough for us to say we will carry on protesting against it.
While we think it is a good thing
they can't use these premises it indicates should they make another application the committee would go ahead and grant a licence.
York Place Baptist Chapel pastor Haydn Dennis said:
As far as
the church is concerned it is a partial victory but I'm not going to be happy until we get the absolute news from the council that the application is dead and buried.