v The
Sicilian - 1987 USA action crime drama by Michael Cimino.
The Sicilian is a 1987 USA action crime drama by Michael Cimino. Starring Christopher Lambert, Terence Stamp and Joss Ackland.
Available as a Director's Cut and a shortened US Version. Summary Notes Giuliano robs from the rich conservative landowners to give to the poor, serf-like peasants, who in turn hail
him as their savior. As his popularity grows, so does his ego, and he eventually thinks he is above the power of his backer, Mafia Don Masino Croce. The Don, in turn, sets out to kill the upstart by convincing his cousin and closest advisor Pissciota to
assassinate him
Director's Cut
 Director's Cut
run: | 145:55s | pal: | 140:05s |
|  | UK: The Director's Cut was passed 15 uncut for moderate sex and violence for:
- 2002 Momentum R2 DVD at UK Amazon
- 2000 Universal video
- 1988 cinema release
US: The Director's Cut is MPAA R rated for:
US Version
 Shortened US Version
run: | 114:34s | pal: | 109:59s |
|  | UK: The US Version was passed 18 uncut for:
v The Sicilian
Clan - 1969 France / USA crime drama by Henri Verneuil.
- The Sicilian Clan (dubbed)
- Le clan des Siciliens
The Sicilian Clan is a 1969 France / USA crime drama by Henri Verneuil. Starring Jean Gabin, Alain Delon and Lino Ventura.
 BBFC category cuts were required for an 'A' rated cinema release. Uncut and
15 rated on home video. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US. Summary Notes A young, ambitious mobster plans an elaborate diamond heist while seducing the daughter of a ruthless mob patriarch as a
determined police commissioner closes in on all of them.
The Sicilian Cross - 1976 Italy action crime drama by Maurizio Lucidi and Guglielmo Garroni. See The Executors
v The Sicilians
 The Sicilians
Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist - 1997 US documentary by Kirby Dick
 Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan,
Supermasochist is a 1997 US documentary by Kirby Dick With Bob Flanagan, Sheree Rose and Kathe Burkhart.

 uncut |  | 89:32s
| UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong sexual content and very strong language with previous cuts waived for:
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated For:
The BBFC commented: The BBFC took the view that, in the light of the publication of new Guidelines in 2009 and the recent legal clarification of the 'harm test', the risk of harm identified with regard to this work could no
longer be considered such as to provide a sound basis for intervention. Summary Review: A perplexing film It takes a certain kind of brave and twisted person to turn his life and body into an S & M
performance piece. Bob Flanagan is both sick and brilliant. Flanagan survived cystic fibrosis until the age of forty-two - a very long time. He attributes this to constantly inflicting pain on himself relentlessly over the years.
His dominatrix partner Sheree, helps him with is goals. The various scenes are sometimes spliced with dark humor and other times simply shown in their bleak gruesomeness. There is nothing that Bob and Sheree have not done to him to
inflict pain in the most disgusting ways possible. It's an entirely different world and it takes a strong stomach to watch. This is a perplexing film. |
 3:42s |  | 85:51s | UK: Passed
18 after 3:42s of BBFC cuts for:
The BBFC commented: Cuts required to two scenes showing strong sado-masochistic activity (asphyxiation, the piercing of the skin of the penis, the insertion of a large metal ball into the rectum, the hammering of a nail
through the tip of the penis) which would be highly dangerous if copied and which are likely to encourage imitation in viewers with an existing interest in sado-masochistic activity. |
v Sidekicks
4:38s |  | 92:03s | 1992 US action film by Aaron Norris
v Siege
- 1983 Canada crime thriller by Paul Donovan, Maura O'Connell
Siege is a 1983 Canada crime thriller by Paul Donovan, Maura O'Connell Starring Tom Nardini, Brenda Bazinet and Daryl Haney
 Cut by the BBFC for 1983 cinema release. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.
Summary Notes During a police strike in Nova Scotia's capital city, a gang of hoodlums end up unintentionally causing the owner of a gay bar to be killed. This escalates into a string
of murders with a lone survivor trying to not be next.
v Siege
- 1997 UK TV documentary
 Siege is a 1997 UK TV documentary With narration by Lewis Collins
Video about the SAS. Cut by the BBFC for 15 rated VHS in 1997 Versions
cut: | 20s | run: | 51:24s | pal: | 49:21s |
|  | UK: Passed 15 after 20s of BBFC cuts:
v Siege Lord 2
- 2012 Italy/Poland historical adventure by Renzo Martinelli.
- Siege Lord II
- September 11 1683
- Battle of Vienna
Siege Lord 2 is a 2012 Italy/Poland historical adventure by Renzo Martinelli. With F. Murray Abraham, Enrico Lo Verso, Alicja Bachleda.
 Cut by the BBFC for 2013 video Versions
 32s |  | 114:07s
| UK: Passed 15 for strong bloody violence after 32s of BBFC cuts for:
The BBFC commented: Compulsory cuts were made to remove sight of animal cruelty, in this case a series of horse falls.
v The Silence
The Silence Versions
 uncut |  | 91:05s
| 1963 Sweden drama by Ingmar Bergman The film was passed 15 uncut for the 1999 Tartan Video The uncut region 2 DVD is available via
UK Amazon The uncut region 1 DVD is available via
US Amazon | ~35s |
 | | The BBFC cut the 1964s cinema release by around 35s The submitted running time was noted as
94:39s = 90:52s |
The Silence of the Tomb - 1976 Spain horror mystery by Jesús Franco See Jess Franco Films:
The Silence of the Tomb |
Silent Assassins - 1988 USA action film by Doo-yong Lee (as Lee Doo Yong) and Scott Thomas.
Silent Assassins is a 1988 USA action film by Doo-yong Lee (as Lee Doo Yong) and Scott Thomas. Starring Sam J Jones, Linda Blair and Jun Chong.
 Cut by the BBFC for 1988 VHS but the cuts were waived for 2003 DVD.
Summary Notes The evil criminal leader Kendrick has kidnapped an elderly biochemist who holds the secret to creating a biological superweapon. The only person who can possibly stop Kendrick and his gang
is L. A. cop Sam Kettle and martial arts master Jun Kim (uncle of a little girl also kidnapped by Kendrick). Together, they go to war against an army of ninjas to rescue the hostages and bring their kidnappers to justice.
v Silent Flute
Silent Flute Versions
uncut |  | 95:43s | 1978 US martial arts film by Richard
Moore Cuts waived when passed uncut in 2008 complete with a 15 certificate The uncut region 2 DVD is available at
UK Amazon Review from
IMDb : Engrossing "Circle of Iron" is a movie that looks beyond the action of martial arts into the mystique and philosophy associated with it. It
was originally intended to be made by Bruce Lee, but he died before it could be brought to the screen, so David Carradine steps in to fill the role.
How well the movie accomplishes it's goal depends on how seriously you take eastern philosophies.
It's all too easy to watch a few minutes of it and dismiss it as some weird barbarian movie with lots of karate. It is decidedly low budget.
However, if you watch the movie and *listen* to what it's trying to tell, it's extremely engrossing, as
it addresses questions and concepts that all of us wonder about at some time or another.
The man making the journey in this movie, "Cord," is acceptable, if a rather generic role. David Carradine plays several roles, but his most
striking is that of an eerie blind man who fights off his opponents with a hollow staff that whistles as he twirls it. | 51s |
 | 91:47s | The Missing in Action release of 1988 was cut by 51s with an 18 certificate From
IMDb : UK cinema and 1988 video versions were cut by 51 secs by the BBFC to remove footage of fighting staff, a throwing star and a shot of a cow receiving a
karate blow to its neck. | 51s |  | | The
cinema release of 1978 was cut as per the Missing in Action video |
v The Silent Force
- 2001 USA action film by David H May (as David May).
The Silent Force is a 2001 USA action film by David H May (as David May). Starring Loren Avedon, Brian Tochi and Karen Kim.
 Uncut in the UK for 18 rated DVD in 2001. Cut in the US to remove all
traces of nudity. Summary Notes An elite Federal force whose objective is to eliminate organized crime is violently assassinated by an evil Asian crime lord. The sole survivor of the group teams up with
his late partner's widow to strike back at the crime lord and his son.
v Silent Lies
- 1996 USA drama by Peter Kiwitt.
Silent Lies is a 1996 USA drama by Peter Kiwitt. Starring Elizabeth Anne Allen, Michael Harris and Cedrick Terrell.
 Cut by the BBFC for an 18 rated 1997 VHS release. Summary
Notes Where can I watch this movie really wanna watch it?
 compulsory cuts 3:34s |  |
submitted 88:03s
| UK: Passed 18 after 3:34s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
- 1997 First Independent Films [Some substitution] VHS
The BBFC cuts were:
- At 24 minutes: After blonde young woman settles to sleep in bed holding book, remove entire dream sequence with distorted images if a child bound, gagged and struggling, resuming on shot of bedroom through open window.
- at 28 minutes: As youn
woman with ponytail is seen over background of cheerleaders, remove voice-over to eliminate the following dialogue between father and little girl:
- Don't you Love me? Do you see that? I bet it tastes like a popsicle. Go ahead, honey.
- I don't want to (child's voice).
- Then just touch it
- Like this? (images of sports game and crowd may remain)
- at 53 minutes: As camera pans down to reveal blonde woman lying on bed staring upwards, remove voice-over of man talking to child as follows: "Only grown-up girls can play with their daddies like this", "It feels funny"
"I can tickle you with my finger...is that funny?" Yes?", " Tickle, tickle, tickle...That's how grown-ups say I love you", "That's silly", "Silly willy", "Silly willy billy", "Ow!"
"That's my big girl", "It hurts", "Being a big strong brave girl for her daddy - big string brave girl", resuming on shot of door.
- at 55 minutes: After man finishes undressing and prepares to climb naked into bed
with young blonde woman (his daughter), remove all shots of rape, resuming on framed photograph of mother and two children, and removing rape shot that follows.
- at 63 minutes: When father attacks daughter and knocks her to the floor, remove all
shots of him forcing his hand between her legs, resuming on him leaning over to say, "My little valedictorian was playing hooky".
v Silent Madness
- 1984 USA horror thriller by Simon Nuchtern
- Silent Madness in 3D
- Beautiful Screamers
- The Nightkillers
- The Omega Factor
Silent Madness is a 1984 USA horror thriller by Simon Nuchtern Starring Belinda Montgomery,Viveca Lindfors,Solly Marx
 Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS and 18 rated DVD in 2002. Uncut and
MPAA R rated in the US. once banned i Sweden. Summary Notes A homicidal maniac is accidentally released from a hospital because of a computer error and heads to the site (a sorority)
of his past murders to continue his penchant for mayhem. Dr. Joan Gilmore takes off after him while the hospital administrators cover up the mistake and send some staff thugs out to get both the doctor and the escaped lunatic.
Silent Night, Deadly Night - 1984 US horror by Charles E. Sellier Jr.
Silent Night, Deadly Night is a 1984 US horror by Charles E. Sellier Jr. With Lilyan Chauvin, Gilmer McCormick and Toni Nero.
Not released in the UK until the uncut 18 rated 2009 DVD. Cut in the US for an R rating but released uncut on MPAA Unrated home video. Summary notes After his parents are murdered, a
young tormented teenager goes on a murderous rampage dressed as Santa, due to his stay at an orphanage where he was abused by the Mother Superior.
 uncut Unrated Version
| UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18
uncut for sexualised violence and strong bloody horror:
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
Note that the US cuts for an R rating were restored by splicing the cut material into the Theatrical Versions. There are reports that colouring does not quite match and the inserted scenes are noticeably different. Jon notes about the 2017 US
release: A shame that the Unrated edition of SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT still has the additional gore/violent scenes looking ropey-as-hell! The jarring between the pristine 4K restored print, and then the inserts, is
terrible, and really doesn't make this new Blu-Ray release worth spending money on. I doubt that anyone will be able to restore the Unrated version properly, even if they did a frame-by-frame restoration!
article from movie-censorship.com . The cuts are widespread and remove bloody wounds and bare breast from several kills. |
  cut Theatrical Version
| UK: The cut US Theatrical Version was
passed 18 for strong gory violence, sexual violence without BBFC cuts:
- 2020 101 Films Limited Edition [Theatrical Version + Unrated Version] (RB) Blu-ray at UK
Amazon #ad
US: The US Theatrical Version was cut for an R Rating From IMDb: Parent Picket The release of this film was picketed in the US by angry parents who were not happy to see Santa Claus depicted as an
axe murderer. As a result, box office sales plummeted and the film was shelved for another year where it saw new light in an uncut video form.
v Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 - 1987 USA comedy drama horror thriller by Lee Harry.
Night, Deadly Night Part 2 is a 1987 USA comedy drama horror thriller by Lee Harry. With Eric Freeman, James Newman and Elizabeth Kaitan.
Cut for an MPAA R rating. This was banned by the BBFC for 1987 cinema release and wasn't released again until an 18 rated Blu-ray in 2020. Summary Review: Dumbed Down Ricky, the
brother of the killer in the first film, talks to a psychiatrist about how he became a brutal killer after his brother died, leading back to Mother Superior. The murders are dumbed down a bit compared with the first part.
The acting, sets, cinematography, and even the special effects are mostly amateurish, and even laughable.
v Silent Rage
- 1982 US action film by Michael Miller.
 Silent Rage is a 1982 US action film by Michael Miller. With Chuck Norris,
Ron Silver and Steven Keats . 
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated home video. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US. Summary Review: Modest A straightforward cop vs unstoppable killer storyline was presented in a modest way
without the unbelievable twists that one may expect. It went on to be a commercial success on first release but it is unlikely to stand the test of time.
v Silent Tongue
Silent Tongue Versions
BBFC uncut |  | 97:14s | 1994 France/Netherlands/UK/USA
The BBFC passed the 2007 Optimum DVD 12 without cuts | BBFC uncut |  | 97:25s
| The BBFC passed the 1994 cinema release and 1995 EIV video 12 without cuts and noted it as a Re-edited Version |
v Silk
5s |  | 79:22s | 1986 US/Philippines cop film by Cirio H.
Santiago. With Cec Verrell, Bill McLaughlin and Joe Mari Avellana.
 Passed 18 after 5s of BBFC cuts for:
Note that there is cut US R Rated Version. It is not clear where the uncut version or else the R Rated Version was submitted to the BBFC |
Sillunu Oru Kadhal - 2006 India romance by N Krishna. See
Chillunu Oru Kadhal |
v Silver Streak - 1976 US action comedy by Arthur Hiller
 Silver Streak is a 1976 US action comedy by Arthur Hiller Starring
Gene Wilder, Richard Pryor and Jill Clayburgh

Category cuts were required for a BBFC 'A' rated cinema release in 1977. BBFC PG rated video releases are uncut. Summary Notes On a long-distance train trip, a man
finds romance but also finds himself in danger of being killed, or at least pushed off the train.
run: | 113:22s | pal: | 108:50s |
| UK: Uncut and BBFC
PG rated:
- 2006 Twentieth Century Fox DVD (rated 18/07/2006) at UK Amazon #ad
- 1987 CBS/Fox VHS (rated 10/04/1987)
|  category cuts
cut: | | run: | 113:19s | pal: | 108:47s |
|  | UK: A (PG) rated after BBFC cuts:
- 1977 20th Century Fox cinema release (rated 24/02/1977)
Thanks to Scott: The BBFC cuts list read:
Scott comments: Strange they required that lone use be removed when plenty of other uses of similar language were allowed to remain.
v The Simpsons - 1989-2021
US animation comedy by James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Sam Simon
 The Simpsons is a 1989-2021 US animation comedy by James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Sam
Simon Starring Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright and Harry Shearer
 Largely uncut by the BBFC but one episode commentary track has been
cut for category. Summary Notes This is an animated sitcom about the antics of a dysfunctional family. Homer is the oafish unhealthy beer loving father, Marge is the hardworking
homemaker wife, Bart is the perpetual ten-year-old underachiever (and proud of it), Lisa is the unappreciated eight-year-old genius, and Maggie is the cute, pacifier loving silent infant.
Season 2 Episode 2: Simpson
& Delilah (Commentary)
 category cuts
cut: | 15s | run: | 23:04s | pal: | 22:09s |
|  | UK: The commentary track was passed U after 15s of BBFC category cuts for:
The BBFC justified their cut of the DVD commentary track as follows: To obtain this category, compulsory cuts of 0m 15s were required, some or all of these cuts were substitutions. A cut was
required to sexual references in order to keep work in line with previous 'U' category. Reclassification policy does not permit two differently rated versions of works passed after July 94.
Season 3 Episode 1: Stark Raving Dad
|  | US: Originally released in 2003. The producers made an update in 1992 adding a topical joke about President George
Bush. In 2019 the episode was pulled after the documentary Leaving Neverland rather soured the presence of Michael Jackson in the cast. The episode is still available on pre-2019 DVDs.
From IMDb:
When Fox reran this episode on January 30, 1992, it featured a different opening which was produced as a response to then-President George Bush. Three days prior, President Bush said in a speech that he wanted American families to be
a lot more like The Waltons (1972) and a lot less like The Simpsons. The new opening featured Bart watching Bush's speech and stating Hey, we're just like the Waltons. We're praying for an end to the Depression, too. Thanks to Alex.
From article from en.wikipedia.org
Michael Jackson guest-starred as Leon Kompowsky, but went uncredited for contractual reasons; his role was not confirmed until later [under the credit John Jay Smith]. Jackson was a fan of the show and called creator Matt Groening offering to do a guest
spot. Jackson pitched several story ideas and wrote the song Happy Birthday Lisa for the episode. The character's singing voice was performed by a soundalike, Kipp Lennon, due to contractual obligations. The episode references Jackson's career, with
Kompowsky singing portions of the songs Billie Jean and Ben. In March 2019, following the release of the documentary film Leaving Neverland, which details allegations against Jackson of child sexual assault, Stark Raving Dad was pulled from
circulation. Producer James L Brooks explained. I'm against book-burning of any kind. But this is our book, and we're allowed to take out a chapter. Producer Al Jean said he believed Jackson had used the episode to groom boys for sexual abuse.The
episode has been withheld from broadcast, streaming and home video. |
The Simpsons Movie - 2007 USA animation comedy adventure by David Silverman. See
Banned International: The Simpsons Movie |
v Simran - 2017 comedy drama by Hansal
 Simran is a 2017 comedy drama by Hansal Mehta. Starring Kangana Ranaut, Catherine Dyer
and Mark Justice. BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2017. The film was cut in India for a U/A rating Versions
The Sin - 1979 USA drama by Marvin J Chomsky See Good Luck, Miss Wyckoff
v Sin City
- 2005 USA crime thriller by Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez...
 Sin City is a 2005 USA crime thriller by Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez... Starring
Mickey Rourke, Clive Owen and Bruce Willis.
Not cut in the US or UK. There exists a Theatrical Version and Re-cut Version Summary Notes Four tales of crime adapted from Frank Miller's popular comics, focusing around a muscular
brute who's looking for the person responsible for the death of his beloved Goldie, a man fed up with Sin City's corrupt law enforcement who takes the law into his own hands after a horrible mistake, a cop who risks his life to protect a girl from a
deformed pedophile, and a hitman looking to make a little cash.
 Re-cut Version |  Unrated |
~147:00s =~141:00s | UK: BBFC details not yet published for the Re-cut Version for:
- 2014 Lions Gate [Theatrical + Re-cut Version] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
US: The Re-cut Version is MPAA Unrated for:
- 2011 LIONSGATE [Theatrical + Re-cut Version] R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon
From IMDb: The four story lines were separated into individual short films, with about seven minutes of additional footage added, marketed as approximately 25, but about thirteen of those minutes are credits added to
each story and five come from marketing exaggeration.
|  Theatrical Version |
| 118:55s | UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 18
uncut for strong bloody violence for:
- 2014 Lions Gate [Theatrical + Re-cut Version] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
- 2014 Lions Gate R2 DVD at UK Amazon
- 2005 Buena Vista Home Entertainment Video
- 2005 cinema release
v Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
Legend of the Seven Seas
12s |  | 81:46s | 2003 US cartoon by Patrick Gilmore & Tim
Johnson The 2003 cinema version and subsequent DVDs in 2003 and 2004 are all the same version cut by 12s. Cut required for U to remove head butt The uncut region 1 DVD is available at
US Amazon The uncut region 1 DVD is available via
UK Amazon |
Sinbad of the Seven Seas - 1989 Italy / USA fantasy adventure by Enzo G Castellari and Luigi Cozzi (uncredited).
Sinbad of the Seven Seas is a 1989 Italy / USA fantasy adventure by Enzo G Castellari and Luigi Cozzi (uncredited). Starring Lou Ferrigno, John Steiner and Roland Wybenga.
BBFC category cuts were required for U rated 1990 VHS. Uncut and 12 rated for 2016 DVD/Blu-ray. Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated in the US. Summary Notes Fantasy tale based on the tale of
the legendary sailor. Here Sinbad must recover five magical stones to free the city of Basra from the evil spell cast by a wizard. His journey takes him to the isle of the Amazons where the queen tries to capture him, to a battle with ghost warriors on
the isle of the dead, and ultimately to a battle with his own double.
v The Sinful Bed
The Sinful Bed Versions
cut |  | | 1973 West Germany sex comedy by Ralf Gregan
The BBFC cut the 1974 cinema release The uncut region 1 DVD is available at
US Amazon The uncut region 1 DVD is available via
UK Amazon See
review from IMDb : Worth digging out Back when i was a teen I remember
seeing a movie called Sinful Bed . Basically it was a story in the perspective of the bed, and all the people who had the pleasure of using it. Starting before WWI and continuing to what was then present day (1972).
It was definitely an interesting film, and I'm surprised more people haven't seen it ye should check it out. It has to have been fifteen years since I saw this film and it has stuck with me all this time. I have vivid recollections of the plot and
various scenarios within the film. From the opening credits to the films close. It may have been mildly pornographic (which was probably why we rented it in the first place). But had more story, and held your interest better than your average Baby Blue
flick. It's worth digging out. |
v The Sinful Dwarf
- 1973 Denmark erotic horror film by Vidal Raski
The Sinful Dwarf is a 1973 Denmark erotic horror film by Vidal Raski With Torben Bille, Anne Sparrow and Tony Eades.
 Exists as a hardcore version and a softcore version. Summary
Review: Dwarfsploitation Olaf and his mother run a boarding house and a white slavery ring. They also smuggle heroin to keep the addict girls happy so they do not try and escape. A young couple move into the house
and the evil landlords take a liking to the female. The film comes equipped with extended soft core sex scenes and other totally bizarre elements that will keep you off balance. But what really makes this
film unbelievably creepy is the explosive acting from the undersized Danish actor, Torben Billie. Not only does he have an uncanny resemblance to the goofy Jack Black, he plays this particular role with unsettling precision. Only
recommended to the most sinfully warped and depraved of viewers. You know who you are.
 XXX Version |  Unrated |
~96:00s | Denmark: The XXX Version is uncut for:
US: The XXX Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
From IMDb:
- The Hardcore XXX version runs 96 minutes, four minutes longer than the Unrated Edition, and contains more explicit sex scenes and additional footage of Mary being violated.
|  Softcore Version |  |
92:20s | UK: The Softcore Version was passed 18 for sexual violence without BBFC cuts for:
- 2012 Revelation Films Harry Novak Collection Vol 3 R2 DVD
The BBFC doesn't note any 'real sex' so this is presumably the softcore version. |
v The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine
- 1974 Italy horror drama by Sergio Grieco.
- Le Scomunicate Di S. Valentino
- The Excommunicates Of San Valentino
The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine is a 1974 Italy horror drama by Sergio Grieco. Uncut in the UK ad US.
Singam II - 2013 India action film by Hari.
 Singam II is a 2013 India action film by Hari. With Suriya, Anushka Shetty and
Hansika Motwani.
 Summary Notes Duraisingam (Suriya) has gone undercover and is working as an NCC officer in a school in Thuthukoodi.
He feels something fishy is happening in the seas around the coastal town. Bad guys join hands with an international drug dealer Danny (Danny Sapani) to flood the market with brown sugar. How our one-man army defeats the evil forces is what the rest of
the film is about.
 category cuts 57s |  |
165:57s | UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence and infrequent strong language after 57s of BBFC category cuts for:
The BBFC commented: A number of cuts were made to scenes of strong bloody violence in order to achieve a 12A classification. These included sight of a man being repeatedly stabbed in the belly, several scenes where
there was close-up dwelling of blood spurting out when people were shot, and slow-motion focus on blood gushing from a man's mouth during a fight. An uncut 15 classification was available to the distributor.
Singham - 2019 India action drama by Navaniat Singh.
 Singham is a 2019 India action drama by Navaniat Singh. Starring Sonam Bajwa, Kartar
Cheema and Parmish Verma.
 BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2019. Summary Notes After
taking charge as the DSP of Singham Khurd, Dilsher Sikhon sets out to end the drug addiction among the youth of Punjab. This sets him against Bhuller, a vicious business tycoon with connections in high places.

cut: | 6:04s | run: | 140:45s | pal: | 135:07s |
sub: | 146:49s |
|  | UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence after 6:04s of
The BBFC commented:
- Company chose to remove scenes of strong violence and injury detail in order to obtain a 12A classification. Cuts made in accordance with BBFC Guidelines and policy. An uncut 15 classification was available.
The Sinister Dr. Orloff - 1984 Spain horror by Jesús Franco See
Jess Franco Films: The Sinister Dr. Orloff |
The Sinister Eyes
of Dr. Orloff - 1973 Spain horror drama by Jesús Franco See Jess Franco Films: The Sinister Eyes of Dr. Orloff |
v Sinner's Blood
Sinner's Blood Versions
Sinner: The Secret Diary of a Nymphomaniac - 1973 France drama by Jesús Franco (as Clifford Brown) See
Jess Franco Films: Sinner: The Secret Diary of a Nymphomaniac |
v Sissy - 2022 Australia comedy horror
drama by Hannah Barlow, Kane Senes
 Sissy is a 2022 Australia comedy horror drama by Hannah Barlow, Kane Senes Starring Aisha
Dee, Yerin Ha and Lucy Barrett
 Originally awarded an R18+ rating by the Australian Censorship Board but this was reduced to MA15+ on appeal. Summary Notes
Teen best friends Cecilia and Emma, after a decade run into each other. Cecilia is invited on Emma's bachelorette weekend where she gets stuck in a remote cabin with her high school bully with a taste for revenge.
v Sister Emanuelle
Sister Emanuelle Versions
cut |  | 92:40s | 1977 Italy sex
drama by Giuseppe Vari The BBFC cut the 1979 cinema release The US version omits hardcore scenes that are present in Italian and Scandinavian versions. See
pictorial cuts details from movie-censorship.com : The hardcore
version features minimal hardcore elements of:
- Monica's oral intercourse with the conductor
- The (rather short) insertion of a penis during the dream sequence between Emanuelle and Rene.
Otherwise there is alternative material and longer sofcore scenes for:
- The love scene between Monica and her stepmother
- A somewhat longer shot of Monica and Emanuelle playing around after Emanuelle has tied her up in the barn
See also cuts details from dvdcompare.net A few shots are missing from
the US disk during the scene in the barn near the end, and after Emanuelle ties up Monika, she fondles and teases her a little (lasting about 10 seconds) before bringing out Gabriel Tinti. On this disc, there is an awkward jump from Emanuelle tying her
up to going to retrieve Tinti, completely omitting the teasing bit. The uncut region 2 DVD is available via
UK Amazon |
Sister Street Fighter - 1974 Japanese film by Kazuhiko Yamaguchi.
- Onna hissatsu ken
- Jo hissatsu ken
- Nyô hissatsu ken
- Woman Certain Kill Fist
- Female Fighting Fist in Danger
- Lady Karate
- Revenge of the Dragon Woman
Sister Street Fighter is a 1974 Japanese film by Kazuhiko Yamaguchi. With Etsuko Shihomi, Emi Hayakawa and Sanae Ôhori.
 The US R rated version was further cut by the BBFC for 1986 18 rated VHS. The film was passed 18 uncut for 2019 18 rated Blu-ray. Summary Review: Good
albeit flawed Lee Long is a martial-arts champion who the police use as an undercover agent to infiltrate a drug ring responsible for importing heroin from Japan to Hong Kong. When he is identified and imprisoned, the
police pressure his sister, Tina Long, to help them locate and free him. This delivers the goods when it comes to fight scenes, 1970s style exploitation thrills, chase and action sequences and best of all, it takes a surprisingly
cool stylish approach, like something out of a comic book splash page, when it comes to introducing its characters. Where this falters is its mistaken over-reliance on wire stunts for the climactic showdown at the end. All in all,
this is a good albeit flawed effort.
 uncut | 
 | 85:46s =82:20s | UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence,
scene of sexual assault:
- 2019 Arrow Sister Street Fighter Collection (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
Arrow commented: Released for the first time in the UK in all its bloody, bone-snapping uncut glory, including the gore and weapons scenes cut from previous UK releases of the first film!
US: The US release is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
|  total 7:49s  3:41s
 4:08s |  | 73:17s | UK:
The cut R rated version was passed 18 after 3:41s of further BBFC cuts for:
The BBFC cuts included:
- The BBFC took exception to many nunchaku sightings
- also to some ear claps
- amongst others
The US R Rated version was shortened and cut for violence by about 4:08s. See pictorial cuts details from
movie-censorship.com |
v Sister Street Fighter: Hanging By a Thread - 1974 Japan action crime film by Kazuhiko Yamaguchi.
- Onna hissatsu ken: Kiki ippatsu
- Sister Street Fighter: Hanging by a Thread
- Return of the Female Killing Fist
Sister Street Fighter: Hanging By a Thread is a 1974 Japan action crime film by Kazuhiko Yamaguchi. Starring Etsuko Shiomi, Tamayo Mitsukawa and Michiyo Bandô.
Rightfully cut by the BBFC for 18 rated Blu-ray in 2019. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US but surely not a good idea to import it into the UK. Summary Notes This
time Koryu heads to Yokohama in search of a woman named Birei, kidnapped by diamond smugglers who move their hot rocks by surgically implanting them into the nubile buttocks of Chinese prostitutes. Koryu's older sister, working as a jewelry designer, is
secretly if unhappily involved with the gangsters.
|  | US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US but surely not a good idea to import it into the UK:
- 2019 Arrow Sister Street Fighter Collection (RA) Blu-ray
|  compulsory BBFC cuts 31s reframed
cut: | 31s | run: | 88:51s | pal: | 85:18s |
|  | UK: Passed 18 for strong bloody violence after necessary and compulsory BBFC cuts:
- 2019 Arrow Sister Street Fighter Collection (RB) Blu-ray at UK Amazon
The BBFC commented:
- Cuts required to remove potentially indecent images of a child in accordance with the Protection of Children's Act 1978.
The BBFC further commented in its annual reporting covering 2019: The background of a scene in Sister Street Fighter: Hanging by a Thread was dressed with a photographic image of a nude girl that we considered
likely to be indecent. The distributor reframed the scene, entirely removing the image from it, and we classified the revised version.
Thanks to James: The villain of the movie has a large framed photo
of a reclining naked pre-pubescent girl hung up on their wall in the background of a scene and is pretty prominent throughout, probably talking up half of the screen space. So it's not really a surprise that it's been cut. In fact
I'm curious how they have handled the cuts because it's prolonged and prominent enough that removing all frames with it in would render the scene un-watchable. I'm assuming they will have to mask it out rather than remove the footage (which is probably
why they haven't mentioned the length of the cuts).
Arrow commented: We would like to take this opportunity to let UK fans know that our upcoming release of Sister Street Fighter: Hanging By A Thread,
will be censored (not cut) in one scene. This is due to a potentially indecent image of a minor used as set decoration in the lair of one of the villains - visible in one shot for approximately 31 seconds which the BBFC advised breached the Protection of
Children Act 1978. As this scene features important expository dialogue, instead of cutting it out completely we have decided to zoom into the other half of the frame, cropping out the offending part of the image entirely. The US
edition will be unaffected.
Arrow also noted that the company originally intended to implement the cuts by blurring the picture. However the BBFC would not allow this and so the company implemented the cuts by reframing. |
v Sisters
- 1973 USA horror thriller by Brian De Palma.
v Sisters
- 2015 USA comedy by Jason Moore.
Sisters is a 2015 USA comedy by Jason Moore. Starring Amy Poehler, John Leguizamo and Tina Fey.
 Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Extended Unrated Version.
Summary Notes Two sisters decide to throw one last house party before their parents sell their family home.
 Extended Version
run: | 122:07s | pal: | 117:14s |
| UK: The Extended Version
was passed 15 uncut for very strong language, strong sex references, drug use for:
- 2016 Universal UK RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon released on 25th April 2016
- 2016 Universal UK R2 DVD at UK Amazon released on 25th April 2016
US: The Extended Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
- 2016 Universal [Unrat6ed + Theatrical] R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon
- 2016 Universal
[Unrat6ed + Theatrical] R1 DVD at US Amazon
The Extended Version will probably be released in the UK too. A commentary track for this version has been passed by the BBFC. See pictorial
version details from movie-censorship.com . The Extended Version contains 4:34s of additional material bit nothing beyond a couple of dirty jokes that has bearing on the ratings. |
 Theatrical Version
run: | 117:30s | pal: | 112:48s |
| UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 without
BBFC cuts for very strong language, strong sex references, drug use for:
US: The Theatrical Version is uncut and MPAA R rated for:
- 2016 Universal [Unrat6ed + Theatrical] R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon
- 2016 Universal
[Unrat6ed + Theatrical] R1 DVD at US Amazon
v The Sisters of Corruption - 1973 Spain horror mystery thriller by Juan Antonio Bardem.
v The Sitter
 The Sitter
v Sivaji
- 2007 India action romance by S. Shankar.
Sivaji is a 2007 India action romance by S. Shankar. With Rajnikanth, Shriya Saran and Suman.
 BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2007.
BBFC category cuts were required for a shortened 15 rated cinema release in 2013. Uncut and 18 rated on DVD.
v Sivappu Manjal Pacchai - 2019 action thriller by Sasi.
v The Six Million Dollar Man - Wine. Women And War
 The Six Million Dollar Man - Wine. Women And War
16s |  | 93:56s | by Russ Mayberry (Universal Pictures (UK) Ltd)
Cut in 2006 with the following BBFC comment: The cuts were Cuts for Category. Distributor chose to cut sight of a double ear clap to achieve the PG category, on the grounds of imitability. An uncut 12 was available to the
distributor |
v Sixteen Candles
- 1984 USA comedy romance by John Hughes.
 Sixteen Candles is a 1984 USA comedy romance by John Hughes.
Starring Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall and Justin Henry.
 Exists as a Theatrical Version and an Extended TV Version Summary Notes Samantha's life is going
downhill fast. The sixteen-year-old has a crush on the most popular boy in school, and the geekiest boy in school has a crush on her. Her sister's getting married, and with all the excitement the rest of her family forgets her birthday! Add all this to a
pair of horrendously embarrassing grandparents, a foreign exchange student named Long Duk Dong, and we have the makings of a hilarious journey into young womanhood.
Extended TV Version
|  | UK: BBFC details not yet published for the Extended TV Version:
- 2019 Arrow Special Edition [Theatrical + Extended Versions] (RB) Blu-ray at
UK Amazon
US: The TV Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
- 2020 Arrow Special Edition [Theatrical + Extended Versions] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
The Extended TV Version features as additional cafeteria scene where Samantha and her friend see the guy Samantha likes and she declares that she can't eat. |
Theatrical Version

UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 12 uncut for strong language and moderate sex references:
- 2019 Arrow Special Edition [Theatrical + Extended Versions] (RB) Blu-ray at
UK Amazon
- 2005 Universal Pictures (UK) video
UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut:
- 1986 CIC VHS
- 1984 cinema release
US: The Theatrical Version is uncut and MPAA PG rated for:
- 2020 Arrow Special Edition [Theatrical + Extended Versions] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
- 2020 Arrow Video Amazon Prime VoD [US only] at US Amazon
Sketch - 2018 action film by Vijay Chandar.
 Sketch is a 2018 action film by Vijay Chandar. Starring Vikram, Tamannaah Bhaita and
Soori. BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A cinema release in 2018 Versions
 category cuts 1:04s |  |
135:36s | UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, injury detail after 1:04s of BBFC category cuts for:
The BBFC commented:
- Company chose to remove stronger moments of violence in order to achieve a 12A. An uncut 15 was available.
v Skin & Bone
 Skin & Bone
7s |  | 113:59s | 1998 release drama by Everett Lewis
v Skin Flick
- 1999 Germany / Canada / UK / Japan gay adult drama by Bruce La Bruce.
Skin Flick is a 1999 Germany / Canada / UK / Japan gay adult drama by Bruce La Bruce. Starring Steve Masters, Eden Miller and Slava Mogutin.
 Exists as a hardcore and softcore version. The softcore version was further
cut by the BBFC for 18 rated 1999 VHS Hardcore and Softcore A little background article from the director spotted on www.brucelabruce.com : The working title was Gang of Foreskins
, but since then it has been known variously as Even Skinheads Get the Blues , A Comedy of Aryans , and No Skin Off My Ass Part Two before I settled on the final title, Skin Flick
. It will exist in both hardcore and softcore versions, the latter designed primarily for the more prudish Japanese and British markets. The hardcore version may be known as Skinhead Blue (my choice) or Skin Gang
(Cazzo's lame choice).
|  | US: There is also a hardcore version titled Skin Gang |
 total cuts
cut: | ~18:49s | run: | 68:35s | pal: | 65:50s |
 1:48s  ~17:01s
 | UK: The softcore version was passed 18 after 1:48s of further BBFC cuts for:
The troublesome scene probably where a black man is gang raped by the skinheads. The skinheads chant "fuck the monkey" while fucking him ... he gets off on it. The hardcore version contains the interesting imagery of cum shots over Nazi
literature. This video caused much debate at the Board due to its violence, rape scenes and explicit detail that goes slightly beyond what the BBFC generally pass at 18. Whittam Smith seemed keen to consider the video for an R18 certificate on grounds
of explicit detail but surely the skinhead violence would not sit very happily with the 'no violence' policy for sex videos, (along with the 'no sex' policy of course). There are hardly any gay licensed sex shops in which to sell it anyway so this
clearly stupid idea went nowhere. As far as I can make out, this was one of Whittam Smith's more unilateral ideas and it unsurprisingly received scant support from anyone else at the Board. |
v Skinner
- 1993 USA horror by Ivan Nagy.
 Skinner is a 1993 USA horror by Ivan Nagy. Starring Ted Raimi, Ricki Lake and David
 Cut for an MPAA R rating but the uncut version was later released MPAA Unrated. Notably never released in the UK until 2019. Promotional Material
101 Films presents Skinner (1993), a dark and brutal horror from director Ivan Nagy and writer Paul Hart-Wilden and title 010 on 101 Films' Black Label. Starring Ted Raimi (Spider-Man), Traci Lords (Blade),
David Warshofsky (There Will Be Blood), Richard Schiff (Se7en) and Rikki Lake (Hairspray), Skinner is released for the first time in the UK on any format. At one time thought a lost film, Skinner has been resurrected from obscurity in a mind-blowing
4K restoration, so cult cinema fans can now witness this 90s horror gem in all its sinful, sleazy and violent glory.
v Skinwalkers
- 2006 Canada/USA/Germany action horror fantasy by James Isaac.
 Skinwalkers is a 2006 Canada/USA/Germany action horror fantasy by James Isaac.
Starring Jason Behr, Elias Koteas and Rhona Mitra.
Originally uncut and R rated in the US but was then cut for an MPAA PG-13 for theatrical release. Uncut and 15 rated in the UK. Summary Notes A 12 year old boy and his mother become
the targets of two warring werewolf packs, each with different intentions and motives.
v Sky High
 Sky High
v Sky Kids
Sky Kids Versions
 |  | 99:37s
| 2008 US adventure by Rocco DeVilliers The short International Version was passed 12 without BBFC cuts for:
The US Theatrical Version is 20 minutes longer |
Skyfall - 2012 UK/USA crime action adventure thriller by Sam Mendes. See
James Bond Films: Skyfall |
v The Skyhawk - 1974 Hong Kong action drama by Chang-hwa Jeong.
v Skyscraper
Skyscraper Versions
 uncut |  MPAA |
~96:00s =~92:00s | 1996 US action thriller by Raymond Martino. With Anna Nicole Smith, Richard Steinmetz and Branimir Cikatiæ .
The US release is uncut and R Rated for:
| 56s |  | 90:53s | Passed 18 after 56s of BBFC cuts for:
- 2003 Prism R2 DVD
- 1997 Medusa/Contender VHS
See pictorial cuts details from movie-censorship.com : Cuts to rape scene
as terrorist Johnny assaults Carrie (Anna Nicole Smith)
- Shortened shot where Johnny rips Carrie's top and bends her across an office desk
- The rape is present but only after shots of Johnny groping Carrie's naked breasts have been removed.
- Also missing is Carrie ramming a paper knife into
Johnny's leg
Slap Shot - 1977 USA comedy sport drama by George Roy Hill
 Slap Shot is a 1977 USA comedy sport drama by George Roy Hill
There are
no censorship issues with this release, but it is an iconically violent film that has a place in censorship history.
v Slap The Monster On Page One - 1972 Italy/France mystery thriller by Marco Bellocchio
- Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina
Slap The Monster On Page One is a 1972 Italy/France mystery thriller by Marco Bellocchio Starring Gian Maria Volontč, Fabio Garriba and Carla Tatň
cuts were required for a 15 rated Blu-ray release in 2024. The BBFC cited child protection issues. The cut seems to be the first example of the BBFC cutting an indecent pseudo image of a child. Summary Notes
A right-wing newspaper attempts to derail the police investigation of the brutal rape and murder of a young girl to help the candidates it supports in the upcoming elections.
cut: | | run: | 87:10s | pal: | 83:41s |
|  | UK: BBFC 15 rated for strong language, sexual violence for strong language, sexual violence after BBFC cuts:
The BBFC commented: This film required a compulsory cut to a potentially indecent image of a child. Cuts were made in accordance with BBFC Guidelines, policy, and the Protection of Children Act 1978.
Thanks to Mike who reports on a discussion from another forum:
At one point in the film an investigative journalist goes to the house of the chief murder suspect and takes a look inside his closet. He sees a range of pictures of children and religious iconography of cherubs. These
images are all perfectly innocent, but there is another composite image of a nude adult woman in a sexualised pose with the head of the underaged murder victim stuck on top of it. As I understand it, this would be considered a
pseudo-photograph under UK law, and indecent since it gives the impression of being an image of a child. If so, then I'm fairly sure it's the first indecent pseudo-photograph that the BBFC have ever cut..
v Slaughter
- 1972 USA / Mexico action crime drama by Jack Starrett.
v Slaughter High
- 1986 UK/US comedy horror by George Dugdale.
- 1 April Fool's Day
- April Fool's Day
Slaughter High is a 1986 UK/US comedy horror by George Dugdale. With Caroline Munro, Simon Scuddamore and Carmine Iannaccone.
 Cut by the BBFC for 1987 18 rated VHS. Uncut and 18 rated since 2011. Uncut
and MPAA Unrated in the US. Summary review : Not to be taken seriously It is a comedy slasher with an April Fools Day theme. It is a mixed bag of good and bad acting that seems
to appeal to those on a nostalgia trip for early slashers. Generally well received when not taken too seriously. Versions
Slaughter Hotel - Slaughter Hotel 1971 Italy horror mystery thriller by Fernando Di Leo. See
Cold Blooded Beast |
v Slaughterhouse - 1987
USA comedy horror by Rick Roessler.
Slaughterhouse is a 1987 USA comedy horror by Rick Roessler. Starring Joe B Barton, Don Barrett and Sherry Leigh.
 Heavily cut by the BBFC for 1989 VHS. Later uncut for 2015 Blu-ray. The
MPAA R rated version is also cut in the US. The uncut version was released on Dutch VHS. Summary Review: Dark comedy Owner of a closed down slaughterhouse sets his retarded psychopathic son on the
people who want to take his land away and the unlucky teens that decided to party there. If you are looking for a high class horror film that isn't low budget than don't buy this. But if you like independent horror/slasher films
that are quite funny as well as semi gory (or if your a sucker for cheesy 80s slasher films) than by all means I recommend it.
Slaughtered Vomit Dolls - 2006 Canada horror by Lucifer Valentine See
Self Banned List: Slaughtered Vomit Dolls |
v Slaughterhouse
Rock - 1988 USA horror by Dimitri Logothetis.
Slaughterhouse Rock is a 1988 USA horror by Dimitri Logothetis. Starring Toni Basil, Nicholas Celozzi and Tom Reilly.
 Cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. Further cut in the UK by the BBFC for
18 rated VHS in 1988. The BBFC cuts were waived for 2018 DVD and Blu-ray. Summary Notes A man visits Alcatraz prison after having dreams about all the people who died there. When he gets there, his
brother is possessed by an envil cannibal demon. The ghost of a female heavy metal singer who was killed there tries to help the man fight the monster.
|   Netherlands
| UK:
Passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence, sexual violence with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
It is not yet clear whether the UK release is the uncut version or the US R rated version. However the promotional material states that this is a re-master from the original negative so hopefully this the uncut version Netherlands: Uncut on VHS
Germany: The uncut version is available on a German DVD from Retrofilm. |  21s |
 | US: Cut by 21s for an MPAA R rating See cuts details
from movie-censorship.com |  compulsory cuts
cut: | 1:14s | run: | 83:18s | pal: | 79:58s |
sub: | 81:42s |
|  | UK: The already cut R rated Version was
passed 18 after 1:14s of further BBFC compulsory cuts for:
- 1988 MGM/UA VHS titled Hell Island
See article from movie-censorship.com . The BBFC cuts were:
- Missing a 6s shot of a demon slicing a chunk off Alex as he is roasting above a fire and eating it.
- 43s cut from Richard ripping the clothes of his girlfriend and the raping her. Also missing shots of Krista fighting back.
- 24s
missing from the scene where the general is eating chunks of flesh off a native and his wife criticises him. The next shots missing are the general eating from his now dead wife's corpse.
v Slave Girls From Beyond Infinity - 1987 USA action comedy horror by Ken Dixon.
 Slave Girls
From Beyond Infinity is a 1987 USA action comedy horror by Ken Dixon. Starring Elizabeth Kaitan, Cindy Beal and Don Scribner.
 Not cut by censors but has a place in censorship history. The film
was specifically criticized on the floor of the U.S. Senate by Jesse Helms in 1992. Senator Helms cited a case in which some of his constituents had accidentally stumbled onto the movie while flipping through cable channels as justification for
amendments to the Cable Act of 1992. Helms wanted to force cable operators to block indecent programming unless customers specifically asked for it in writing. The amendment was struck down by a U.S, Federal Court in 1993 and the decision was upheld by
the U.S. Supreme Court in 1996.
v The
Slave Merchants - 1964 Italy / Spain / France Sci-Fi fantasy adventure by Antonio Margheriti (as Anthony Dawson).
The Slave of the Cannibal God - 1978 Italian adventure by Sergio Martino See
Mountain of the Cannibal God |
Slave of the Flesh - 1981 Spanish/W German women in prison film by Jess Franco. See
Sadomania |
v Slave Training
 Slave Training
1:44s |  | 29:18s | by Terry Wakelin (Olympia Press) Cut in 2006
with the following BBFC comment: Distributor chose to cut shots of explicit female masturbation |
v The Slayer - 1981 US horror by
JS Cardone.
The Slayer is a 1981 US horror by JS Cardone. With Sarah Kendall, Frederick Flynn and Carol Kottenbrook.
 Banned as a video nasty in 1983. Unbanned and passed 18 after 14s of BBFC
cuts in 1992. Cuts waived in 2001. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US. Summary Review: Minimal Gore Eric & his surreal artist sister Kay, her doctor husband David, her sister-in-law Brooke along with
pilot Marsh become stranded on a rugged isle face off against a supernatural beast drawn to Kay who dreams of its killings. The film is quite good. two couples fly to a quiet island for a well-earned break, but Kay knows the
horror that is waiting for them & sure enough they are killed off by this monster. Once the killings start & the storm comes, there's a good atmosphere . Unfortunately, the gore is way too minimal, with a decent
pitchforking scene being its only saviour.
v Sleepaway Camp
- 1983 US slasher by Robert Hiltzik.
Sleepaway Camp is a 1983 US slasher by Robert Hiltzik. With Felissa Rose, Jonathan Tiersten and Karen Fields.
 Cut for all UK and US releases. uncut in Canada but only VHS quality
Summary Review: Cult status An above average slasher that is nudging cult status. The movie puts suspense and limited, but effective gore, to good use. It also has been noted as being 'charming despite
its warped themes'.
 uncut |  MPAA |
~84:00s | US: The uncut version is being released for:
Canada: Uncut for:
However the DVD is a bootleg and is only VHS quality. |   pre-cut
|  | 84:21s =80:59s | UK: A pre-cut version was
passed 15 with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
- 2004 Anchor Bay R2 DVD titled Sleepaway Camp
From cuts details on IMDb : The cut footage was available to Anchor Bay for the
2000 DVD but was only available in VHS quality comparing badly with the bulk of the film. So Anchor Bay elected not to include the material in the film itself, but to include it as DVD extras. The cut material is as follows:
- In the prank scene when Mozart's face hits the kid's naked buttocks, the slap sound effect is missing and then his "You guys are gross" line is out of sync with his lips.
- A shot of the naked guys running down the dock is completely
missing replaced by a weird over-dubbed cat howl.
- The water-snake slithering out of Kenny's mouth is cut drastically to the point where you only see the final few frames of the shot after the snake has emerged.
- After Mel accosts the
guys for throwing water balloons at Angela and Ricky and Paul tend to her, a shot of the guy's reaction to Mel leaving is cut, where one calls him a "wrinkled old dick".
- After Ricky sticks his finger up at Judy and walks off, a shot of
Judy coming back with "Same to you" is gone.
- Many frames of Meg's corpse on the bathroom floor are cut, and Mel's reaction is cut up too - "He did it" should be followed by "to get back at me".
|  57s |  |
80:16s | UK: The complete version was passed 18 after 57s of BBFC cuts for:
- 1986 CBS/FOX VHS titled Nightmare Vacation
See pictorial cuts details from movie-censorship.com :
- Missing shots of chef screaming as he suffers burns to his face and arms
- Missing shots of the dead body of Judy with a slit down her back
- Missing shots of Ricky's dead body on the beach and of Angela screaming as the decapitated
head falls away.
v Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers - 1988 USA comedy horror by Michael A Simpson.
- Nightmare Vacation II
- Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers
Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers is a 1988 USA comedy horror by Michael A Simpson. Starring Pamela Springsteen, Renée Estevez and Tony Higgins.
 Cut by the BBFC for 1988 VHS. The BBFC waived its cuts for 2004 DVD. Uncut
and MPAA R rated in the US. Summary Review Angela Baker has undergone years of therapy, electro-shock and sexual reassignment surgeries, and finally landed herself a job in the last place she should be
working - camp rolling hills. She has an old fashioned approach as to how camp should be, and an old familiar deadly way of making sure that those who don't follow her rules don't get to come back next summer. Enjoyable slasher
with a twist that the crazed killer of the piece is a transvestite with an outrageous family history to 'justify' the craziness. The film then delivers a great montage of gory deaths, nudity, humor, and fantastic one-liners.
v Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland - 1989 USA comedy horror by Michael A Simpson.
- Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland
- Nightmare Vacation III
Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland is a 1989 USA comedy horror by Michael A Simpson. Starring Pamela Springsteen, Tracy Griffith and Michael J Pollard.
Cut in the US for an R rating. UK releases are this cut R rated version. Uncut in Germany. Summary Notes Angela is back, in the form of an angry inner-city camper on the hunt for
blood. Camp New Horizons, on the recycled grounds of the former murders, intends to pair high class teens with underclass counterparts. Angela, however, has a different plan. Will it be door number one, number two, or number three?
 uncut |  Germany
| 77:31s | Germany: Uncut for X-Rated DVD: See pictorial cuts details from
movie-censorship.com The surviving additional material for the uncut version is low quality. |

| 75:51s
| UK: The cut R Rated version was passed 15 for strong language and moderate sex and violence without BBFC cuts for:
- 2016 88 Films RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon
- 2004 Anchor Bay R2
DVD titled Sleepaway Camp 3
UK: The cut R Rated version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
- 1990 Futuristic VHS titled Nightmare Vacation III
Sleepers - 1996 US film by Barry Levinson
 Sleepers is a 1996 US film by Barry Levinson
Not cut but raised from a
cinema 15 to a video 18.
Sleeping With the Enemy - 1991 USA crime thriller by Joseph Ruben.
- Sleeping with the Enemy
- Dormindo com o Inimigo
Sleeping With the Enemy is a 1991 USA crime thriller by Joseph Ruben. Starring Julia Roberts, Patrick Bergin and Kevin Anderson.
 Cut in the US for an MPAA R rated 1991 theatrical release. This cut version
was rated 15 for UK cinemas and rental VHS. Uncut in the UK for sell through VHS and 2001 DVD. However the 2013 UK Blu-ray reverts to the cut theatrical version. Only the cut R rated version has been released in the US. Summary Notes
Laura and Martin have been married for four years. They seem to be the perfect, happiest and most successful couple. The reality of their house- hold, however, is very different. Martin is an abusive and brutally obsessed
husband. Laura is living her life in constant fear and waits for a chance to escape. She finally stages her own death, and flees to a new town and new identity. But when Martin finds out that his wife is not dead he will stop at nothing to find and kill
Cutting Edge
Gavin Salkeld's Cutting Edge Episode 18:
Sleeping with the Enemy
 uncut | 
 | 94:31s
| UK: Passed 15 uncut for strong violence and sexual threat with previous BBFC cuts for a 15 rating waived for:
UK: Passed 18 uncut for:
- 1992 Fox Sell-through VHS
|  category cuts 1:00s  1:00s
| 97:31s =93:37s
submitted 98:31s =94:35s
| UK: Passed 15 after 1:00s of BBFC category cuts. This is the same version as the US Theatrical Version, cut for an MPAA R rating for:
- 2013 20th Century Fox R0 Blu-ray
- 1991 CBS/Fox Rental VHS
- 1991 cinema release
The version originally submitted was the uncut "NC-17 version", and like their American counterparts, the BBFC also took issue with the same sex scene that had troubled the MPAA early in reel 1. The Board stated
that the film would either have to be passed uncut with an 18 rating or that the sex scene would need to be reduced for a 15. Favouring the latter option, Fox decided to replace the entire first reel of the film with the cut R rated version of the same
reel as seen in the United States. This meant that the UK version matched the US version for its original theatrical release.
US: The Theatrical Version was cut for an MPAA R rating. The issue
that the MPAA had was the inclusion of a sex scene during the first 10 minutes of the film. Sexual content at the R-level has always caused far more trouble for the puritanical American censors than violence or language, but despite the sex scene lacking
any nudity at all, the MPAA felt it was just too strong a scene for so early in the film. As a result, the filmmakers cut the sex scene short and extended a non-contentious shot of Laura and Martin stepping out of frame in order to finish the sequence
v Sleepless
Sleepless Versions
v Sleepover
2s |  | 31:18s | Submitted in 2005 Company chose to remove one
use of strong language to achieve a U classification. |
v Slender Man
- 2018 USA horror by Sylvain White.
 Slender Man is a 2018 USA horror by Sylvain White. Starring Joey King,
Javier Botet and Annalise Basso.
 The distributors cut several major scenes at the lost moment because they feared a politically correct backlash after the family of a victim claimed the film was
distasteful. These significant cuts rendered the film nonsensical. The resulting cut theatrical version was MPAA PG-13 rated in the US an 15 rated in the UK. Summary Notes Slender Man tells the story of
a tall, thin, horrifying figure with unnaturally long arms and a featureless face, who is reputed to be responsible for the haunting and disappearance of countless children and teens.
 best available | 
 | ~93:00s | UK: The cut US Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut for sustained threat,
strong horror for:
US: Cut and rated PG-13 for disturbing images, sequences of terror, thematic elements and language including some crude sexual references for:
See article from bloody-disgusting.com : Slender Man, as released in
theaters, is not a complete movie. While originally the producers developed a much darker take on the character, we're told that Screen Gems' mandate was that it should be PG-13. The target was and always has been for teenagers. However insiders tell us that Sony/Screen Gems were succumbing to fear of a PC backlash that started when the father of the girl who stabbed her classmate called it distasteful. 2018 isn't exactly the year of reason, and the studio was scared into back peddling their horror film.
Our sources confirm that several major scenes from the film were completely removed by the studio leading up to this past weekend's release. Slender Man, as presented to audiences, isn't a complete film; many of the striking
scenes that were teased in the first trailer, like one of the characters stabbing her eyes out, or another ripping her tongue out after encountering Slender Man in the woods, are completely missing from the film.
v Slipstream
- Slipstream: Bounty Hunter 2000
Slipstream Versions
v Sliver
- 1993 US erotic thriller by Phillip Noyce
 Sliver is a 1993 US erotic thriller by Phillip Noyce Starring Sharon Stone, William
Baldwin and Tom Berenger

The film was cut in the US for an R rated Theatrical Version. European cinema, VHS and DVD releases are uncut but worldwide Warner and Paramount Blu-ray releases feature the cut R rated version. In the US MPAA Unrated releases feature the
uncut version. There is also a workprint version which reveals that significant rework was required after poor response to preview screenings. Summary Notes A woman moves into an
exclusive New York City apartment building that she soon discovers houses tenants with all manner of shocking secrets.
Slow Torture Puke Chamber - 2010 Canada horror by Lucifer Valentine See
Self Banned Film List: Slow Torture Puke Chamber |
v Slugs - 1988 Spain / USA Sci-Fi horror
by Juan Piquer Simón (as JP Simon).
- Slugs
- muerte viscosa
- Slugs: The Movie
Slugs is a 1988 Spain / USA Sci-Fi horror by Juan Piquer Simón (as JP Simon). Starring Michael Garfield, Kim Terry and Philip MacHale.
 Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1989 and 1993. Uncut since 18 rated
2009 DVD. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US. Summary review: Awesome production People are dying mysteriously and gruesomely, and nobody has a clue what the cause is. Only health worker Mike Brady has a
possible solution, but his theory of killer slugs is laughed at by the authorities. Only when the body count begins to rise and a slug expert from England begins snooping around does it begin to look like Mike had the right idea after all.
Slugs has good gory effects and an awesome production. But there are some ridiculous things. The acting is very caricaturist, the music tries to be dramatic but ends up being annoying and exaggerated.
The Slumber Party Massacre - 1982 US horror by Amy Holden Jones.
The Slumber Party Massacre is a 1982 US horror by Amy Holden Jones. With Michelle Michaels, Robin Stille and Michael Villella.
 Uncut for cinema but cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS. Uncut on 18 rated
DVD. Summary Notes: A Bit of Fun An eighteen-year-old high school girl is left at home by her parents and she decides to have a slumber party. Meanwhile, a murderer of five people with a propensity for
power tools has escaped and is at large, and eventually makes his way to the party, where the guests begin experiencing an attrition problem, with only a new girl to help them. Like all good horror movies of the period, The
Slumber Party Massacre aims to provide us with two things; mild titillation though its utterly shameless use of female nudity and cheap thrills though its corny murder moments. While the latter is hardly on a par with many slashers, it is a bit of
fun. Some of the murders are quite inventive, if a little sparing on the gore. As far as the nudity goes, the premise dictates a fairly abundant use of boobs and thighs. This is not to everyone's taste but, if you've read this far
with a smile on your face, I'm pretty sure it's the film for you.

UK: Uncut and BBFC 15 rated for strong bloody images, horror, violence:
UK: Passed 18 uncut with previous cuts waived for:
- 2010 Nouveaux Pictures R2 DVD
- 2003 Prism R2 DVD at
UK Amazon
UK: Passed 18 uncut for:
US: Uncut and MPAA R rrated for:
|  cut
cut: | 30s | run: | 74:57s | pal: | 71:57s |
|  | UK: Passed 18 after 0:30s of BBFC cuts for:
- 1986 Thorn-EMI VHS titled Slumber Party Murders
From IMDB: The BBFC cut 30s of gore from:
- the drill murders,
- stabbing scenes and
- the climactic death of the killer.
- The title substitution of Murders for Massacre is also reported as part of the knee jerk censorship implemented after the Video Nasties moral panic.
See pictorial cuts details from movie-censorship.com |
Slumber Party Massacre II - 1987 US comedy horror by Deborah Brock.
- Don't Let Go (working title)
Slumber Party Massacre II is a 1987 US comedy horror by Deborah Brock. With Crystal Bernard, Jennifer Rhodes and Kimberly McArthur.
 Banned by the BBFC in 1988 after an extensive cuts list was refused. The
film remained unreleased until 2024 when it was 15 rated and uncut. In the US it exists in a Theatrical R rated version, and an Extended Version which is MPAA Unrated Summary Review: Amusing Enough More
of a comic vein than its predecessor and now in a musical setting. The weapon of choice is an electric guitar cum electric drill. The death scenes are very twisted with the killer playing guitar and singing as he kills his
victims. A favourite scene of mine involves death by acne. One of the central characters is actually engulfed by a rapid growing zit, until it pops all over the protagonist and she is presumed dead - that is until
she walks through the front door about 10 minutes later. The over-the-topness seems to be amusing enough. For bad movie fans, that is.
Theatrical Version
 Theatrical Version
| UK: The Theatrical Version is uncut and
BBFC 15 rated for strong bloody violence, gore, threat, horror, nudity, sex references:
- 2024 101 Films Blu-ray (rated 05/07/2024)
US: The Theatrical Version is uncut and MPAA R rated for:
- 2023 SHOUT! FACTORY [Slumber Party Massacre I (Theatrical) + II (Theatrical + Unrated)] R0 4K Blu-ray/(RA) Blu-ray Combo
at US Amazon #ad
- 2017 Shout! Factory Double Feature [Slumber Party Massacre II + III,
both Theatrical + Extended] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
- 2010 Shout Factory Slumber Party
Massacre Collection [1-3] R1 DVD via UK Amazon and
at US Amazon
- 2002 New Concorde R1 DVD
at US Amazon
Extended Version
 Extended Version
|  | US: An extended version is uncut and MPAA unrated for:
- 2023 SHOUT! FACTORY [Slumber Party Massacre I (Theatrical) + II (Theatrical + Unrated)] R0 4K Blu-ray/(RA) Blu-ray Combo
at US Amazon #ad
- 2017 Shout! Factory Double Feature [Slumber Party Massacre II + III,
both Theatrical + Extended] (RA) Blu-ray at US Amazon
- 2010 Shout Factory Slumber Party
Massacre Collection [1-3] R1 DVD via UK Amazon and
at US Amazon
See pictorial version details from movie-censorship.com |
|  | UK: Presumably it was the Extended Version that was banned by the BBFC for:
From IMDB. The BBFC offered an extensive cuts list which was not acceptable to the distributor, and so the video was banned. The BBFC commented in the Annual Report covering 1988:
Scenes of terrorising, blood-letting and gleeful infliction of pain underlined an unacceptable tone of sadism in a work purporting to be a satirical horror fantasy but developing a pervasive undercurrent of mutilation as fun.
Shown on the Horror Channel in 2006 |
Slumber Party Massacre III - 1990 USA comedy horror by Sally Mattison.
 Slumber Party Massacre
III is a 1990 USA comedy horror by Sally Mattison. With Brandi Burkett, Hope Marie Carlton, Keely Christian.
 Originally the Theatrical Version was cut for an R rating. Later an uncut
Theatrical Version was released, Unrated by the MPAA. An uncut extended version was also released MPAA Unrated. Versions
v The Small Back Room - 1949 UK romance by Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
v Small Town Massacre
 Small Town Massacre
v Smallfoot
- 2018 USA children's cartoon comedy by Karey Kirkpatrick and Jason Reisig (co-director).
The Smashing Bird I Used to Know - 1969 UK crime drama by Robert Hartford-Davis. See
School For Unclaimed Girls |
v Smokey
Bites the Dust
 Smokey Bites the Dust
 uncut  PG
 | 84:29s | 1981 US action comedy by Charles B Griffith. With Jimmy McNichol, Janet Julian and Walter Barnes.
Passed 15 uncut for:
The US release is uncut and MPAA PG Rated for:
| 36s |  | 87:29s = 83:59s |
Passed PG after 36 of BBFC cuts for :
v Smokin' Aces 2: Assassin's Ball
 Smokin' Aces 2:
Assassin's Ball
 uncut | 
 Unrated | 84:19s | 2010 US/Canada action film by PJ Pesce The BBFC passed the US Unrated version 18 uncut for the 2010
Universal DVD/Blu-ray. There is also a US R Rated Version that was cut in the US by 2:26s |
v The Smuggler - 1980 Italy
crime action drama thriller by Lucio Fulci.
- Luca il contrabbandiere
- Contraband
- The Naples Connections
The Smuggler is a 1980 Italy crime action drama thriller by Lucio Fulci. With Fabio Testi, Ivana Monti and Guido Alberti.
Uncut for pre-cert video. Cut by the BBFC for 1987 VHS. Cuts waived for 2014 DVD. Uncut in the US Summary Notes Cigarette smugglers in Naples run into problems with cocaine operations
being set up by a rival smuggler. Full of violence, including a women's face being burned off with a blow torch and a graphic rape scene.
 | UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong gory violence, sexual violence, very strong language with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
- 2014 Argent Films/Shameless R2 DVD at UK Amazon titled Contraband
UK: Released uncut on pre-cert video for:
- 1983 Walton VHS titled The Naples Connection
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
|  cut
cut: | 2:52s | run: | 91:16s | pal: | 87:37s
|  | UK: Passed 18 after 2:52s of BBFC cuts for:
- 1987 Elephant VHS titled The Smuggler
Thanks to Vincenzo. The BBFC cuts were:
- At 41 mins - Stabbing with nail was reduced to a minimum necessary for dialogue incrimination of Marsigliese. Cuts included brief close up on boat when man stabs another man with nail and twists it in his arm.
- At 46 mins - A scene showing a
drug courier being burnt with a Bunsen burner has almost entirely been deleted. All sight of the burning of Ingrid's face was removed.
- At 48 mins - Blood splash from shot man before he falls on woman's corpse was removed. Murolo is killed with 3
shots in the uncut version but this is reduced to one.
- At 49 mins - At racecourse, sight of gun pushed deep into man's mouth and the exit wound from back of head was removed.
- At 51 mins - Both facial close ups of mutilated corpses in
Perlante's house were removed.
- At 66 mins - close ups of man's throat shot out were removed, resuming on back of head.
- At 67 mins - close ups of bullets tearing off face & scalp were removed.
- At 70 mins - Horsefall on TV
was removed.
- At 77 mins - All dialogue references to anal rape of Luca's wife were removed. The scene cut away after the line "Wait Luca, it's not finished yet". So all nudity was deleted too.
- At 82 mins - After man shoots out
of phonebooth at man in raincoat, second bullet impact wound in man and the following closer impact shot with blood spurt as man's chest is blown away were removed.
- At 83 mins - Shooting of Marsigliese was reduced to establish his death only.
The sadism of the shooting into garbage around him was removed.
See pictorial cuts details from movie-censorship.com. |